I cannot tell you how many times I have watched friends get so absorbed in a relationship and change in some drastic way and lose themselves. I, of course have never done this! (I can hear my friends Victoria and Lori rolling with laughter right now). I can remember being so drawn into the other person’s life and habits that I did lose a little of myself and found myself taking part in activities that really were not any interest to me. Let’s take that a step farther and actually admit that I did things that I really did not like at all, but I did them just to be around my boyfriend and to play the role of the “fun†Boston girlfriend. In one relationship, my boyfriend loved going to dive bars and playing pool. This can be fun once in a while, but every other night with all the smoke was not my cup of tea. Yet I found myself doing this more often than I wanted to and staying up way too late only to have a difficult time the next day at work.